
28th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

02:53 PM

To all the rectors, to all choir conductors and Church singers of the Canadian Diocese
In accordance with the Decree received from His Eminence, our First Hierarch, Metropolitan Hilarion, we hereby inform all the rectors, choir conductors and singers of our Diocese that the Liturgical Music Commission of the Synod of Bishops is convening the 28th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Music Conference. This conference will take place from 2 – 6, 2019 of October at the Holy Epiphany Russian Orthodox Church, 963 South Street, Roslindale, MA 02131. The title theme of the conference is “Continuity and Growth: Ensuring the future of Liturgical Chant in our Parishes “.

All rectors and choir conductors are directed to disseminate the information ( about the upcoming conference among all the singers of the Diocese. It is recommended that a minimum of one delegate from each parish is sent to the Conference and, if at all possible, at least partially supported financially. Hotel registration (Holiday Inn Boston-Dedham Hotel & Conference Center) must be completed by September, 20.

May God bless all those who toil in the realm of liturgical singing.

Archbishop of Montreal and Canada Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

№ 08/18/07
August 17/30, 2018