
Reminder of Archibishop Gabriel regarding special collection to the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

02:22 PM


To all the rectors of the parishes of the Canadian Diocese
As the great holiday of Palm Sunday (the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem) approaches, all the parishes of the Canadian Diocese are reminded of the annual plate collection to be taken to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. This collection should be made both during the Vigil (March 26/April 8) and the Divine Liturgy (March 27/April 9), to be preceded by a few words on the asceticism of the members of our Mission under very difficult circumstances, as they preserve and protect the holy sites and relics, welcoming multitudes of pilgrims and representing our Church in the Holy Land.

Collections should be forwarded to our diocesan treasury (Diocesan Treasury, 99 Stonehurst Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4R6) with the designation: “For the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission”.

Gabriel, Archbishop of Montreal & Canada