Patriarchal Congratulations are Sent to Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal on his 55th Birthday
03:55 PM
MOSCOW: June 2, 2016
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada on his 55th birthday.
To His Eminence Gabriel,
Archbishop of Montreal and Canada
Your Eminence!
I convey my heartfelt greetings on your 55th birthday, as well as the coming 20th anniversary of your archpastoral consecration.
Your service to the Church of Christ has not been easy. Still, seeing before you the inspiring examples of staunch spirit and devotion to Orthodox Christianity by ascetics of the Russian diaspora, you strive with earnest and responsibility to fulfill the important obligation laid upon you. Having graduated Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, and being ordained to the rank of clerics, you have labored greatly in the harvest-fields of the Lord.
It brings joy that during your tenure as Ruling Bishop on the American continent, a great deal is being done to expand diocesan and parish life, spiritual education and the moral guidance of the young generation. You apply special efforts so that “the word of God grew and multiplied” (Acts 12:24), and bear witness of the Crucified and Resurrected Christ clearly and persuasively for your contemporaries.
In recognition of your dedicated services and to mark these important dates, I deem it fair to grant you the Order of St Innokenty, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomensk, II Class.
May the intercession of the Mother of God bring down upon you strength from the Lord and His hel in your continuing service to the glory of the Holy Church.
With love in Christ,