Во вторникъ, 4/17 мая, въ день 15-лѣтія возстановленія полноты церковнаго общенія и единства внутри Русской Православной Церкви и въ канунъ 14-ой годовщины интронизаціи Высокопреосвященнѣйшаго митрополита Иларіона, Первоіерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, состоялось засѣданіе Архіерейскаго Сѵнода подъ предсѣдательствомъ митрополита Берлинскаго и Германскаго Марка.
Преосвященные члены Архіерейскаго Сѵнода Русской Зарубежной Церкви съ глубокой скорбью констатировали, что 3/16 мая, въ день памяти преподобнаго Ѳеодосія, игумена КіевоПечерскаго, въ Нью-Іоркѣ мирно почилъ о Господѣ Высокопреосвященнѣйшій Иларіонъ,
митрополитъ Восточно-Американскій и Нью-Іоркскій, Первоіерархъ Русской Зарубежной Церкви.
Въ связи съ симъ, въ ходѣ засѣданія, ПОСТАНОВИЛИ:Призвать епископатъ, клиръ и всѣхъ вѣрныхъ чадъ Русской Зарубежной Церкви въ нынѣшнее Пасхальное время творить заупокойное поминовеніе почившаго Высокопреосвященнѣйшаго
митрополита Иларіона во всѣхъ храмахъ русскаго разсѣянія на сугубой ектеньи Божественной литургіи по слѣдующей формулѣ: «Еще молимся о блаженныхъ и приснопамятныхъ святѣйшихъ
патріарсѣхъ православныхъ и о благочестивыхъ царѣхъ и благовѣрныхъ царицахъ и создателехъ святаго храма сего, о новопреставленномъ митрополитѣ Иларіонѣ и о всѣхъ преждепочившихъ отцѣхъ и братіяхъ, здѣ лежащихъ и повсюду православныхъ». Въ пятницу, 11/24 іюня, въ сороковой день кончины Его Высокопреосвященства, совершить панихиду.
Соборное служеніе Божественной литургіи совершить въ субботу, 8/21 мая, въ 7:30 утра въ Знаменскомъ соборѣ, а затѣмъ – отпѣваніе монашескимъ чиномъ въ 10:30 утра (Облаченіе –бѣлое). Погребенiе совершить въ воскресенье, 9/22 мая с.г., въ 3 часа дня въ Свято-Троицкомъ монастырѣ въ Джорданвиллѣ (Нью-Іоркъ).
Имя Высокопреосвященнѣйшаго митрополита Берлинскаго и Германскаго Марка возносить за богослуженіями во всѣхъ храмахъ Русской Зарубежной Церкви вслѣдъ за именемъ Святѣйшаго
Патріарха Московскаго и всея Руси Кирилла.
Просить митрополита Берлинскаго и Германскаго Марка временно принять подъ свой омофоръ всѣ храмы, монастыри и церковныя учрежденія, имѣющія статусъ непосредственнаго подчиненія Предсѣдателю Архіерейскаго Сѵнода.
Исполняющимъ обязанности управляющаго вдовствующей Восточно-Американской епархіей быть епископу Манхэттенскому Николаю, чье имя и слѣдуетъ возносить за богослуженіями во всѣхъ храмахъ этой епархіи вслѣдъ за именемъ Предсѣдателя Архіерейскаго Сѵнода.
Исполняющимъ обязанности управляющаго Австралійско-Новозеландской епархіей, доселѣ пребывавшей подъ омофоромъ блаженнопочившаго митрополита Иларіона, быть епископу
Канберрскому Георгію, чье имя и слѣдуетъ возносить за богослуженіями во всѣхъ храмахъ этой епархіи вслѣдъ за именемъ Предсѣдателя Архіерейскаго Сѵнода.
Въ пятницу, 7/20 мая, имѣть сужденіе о времени и мѣстѣ проведенія Архіерейскаго Собора и о другихъ насущныхъ вопросахъ церковной жизни.
Секретарь Архіерейскаго Сѵнода
4/17 мая 2022 г
NEW YORK: May 17, 2022
On Tuesday, 4/17 May, 2022, the 15th anniversary of the restoration of the fullness of Church unity within the Russian Orthodox Church, and the eve of the anniversary of the enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, a session of the Synod of Bishops of ROCOR was held, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany.
The members of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad announced with great sorrow that on 3/16 May, the feast day of St Theodosius, Abbot of the Kiev Caves, Metropolitan Hilarion reposed in the Lord.
In connection with this, it was DECREED:
1. To call upon the episcopacy, clergy and the entire faithful flock of the Russian Church Abroad, during the Paschal season, to commemorate the name of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion in all churches of the Russian diaspora during the augmented litany of Divine Liturgy as follows: “Again we pray for the blessed and pious Orthodox patriarchs, for pious kings and right-believing queens; and for the founders of this holy temple and the newly-departed Metropolitan Hilarion and for all our fathers and brethren gone to their rest before us, and the Orthodox here and everywhere laid to rest” On Friday, 11/24 June, on the fortieth day of the repose of His Eminence, to perform a pannikhida.
2. To celebrate a hierarchal Divine Liturgy on Saturday, 8/21 May, at 7:30 in the morning, at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign,” followed by a monastic funeral at 10:30 (white vestments). The burial shall be performed on Sunday, 9/22 May of this year, at 3 o’clock, at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.
3. The name of His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany shall be commemorated during divine services in all churches of the Russian Church Abroad immediately following the commemoration of the name of His Holiness Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
4. To request Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany to temporarily receive under his omophorion all churches, monasteries and Church establishments which have stavropighial status under the direct authority of the President of the Synod of Bishops.
5. To appoint as Acting Ruling Bishop of the Eastern American Diocese His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, whose name shall be commemorated during divine services in all churches of said diocese immediately following the name of the President of the Synod of Bishops.
6. To appoint His Grace Bishop George of Canberra as Acting Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, which had until now been under the omophorion of the late Metropolitan Hilarion of blessed memory, whose name should be commemorated during divine services in all churches of said diocese immediately following the name of the President of the Synod of Bishops.
7. On Friday, 7/20 May, to make determinations on the scheduling of a Council of Bishops and other urgent matters in Church life.
+ Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America,
Secretary of the Synod of Bishops