
60th Anniversary of the Saviour Not Made with Hands Parish in London (Ontario)

10:23 AM

This year, the parish feast of the churh of the Icon of the Savior Not Made with Hands, celebrated as the third feast of the Savior, fell on the 60th anniversary of the parish.

On Sunday, August 16/29, with a large group of the faithful, His Grace, Gabriel, Bishop of Montreal and Canada, served Divine Liturgy assisted by the rector of the parish, Protopriest Vladimir Morin, Protodeacon Vasili Milonow (Protection Memorial Church, Ottawa, Ontario), and Deacon Alexander Morin (Holy Trinity Cathedral, Toronto, Ontario).

There was a cross procession with a prayer service. His Grace, Bishop Gabriel, blessed a memorial plaque, especially prepared for this feast day in honor of Ivan Vasilievitch Gavrilik, who in 1958 donated to the parish the plot of land, upon which the current church of the Icon of the Savior Not Made with Hands is erected. The plaque is for the eternal memory of the gracious benefactor’s son – Alexander, who died in a car accident at the age of 22.

After the cross procession and moleben everyone was invited to a meal.

Предлагаем читателям праздничный фоторепортаж, подготовленный Андреем Звонковым, прихожанином храма Нерукотворенного Спаса.