
Pastoral Retreat & Assembly Of the Priests & Clergy of the Diocese of Montréal & Canada March, 2016

06:25 PM

To all the rectors and clergy of the parishes of the Canadian Diocese, to all the members of the Diocesan Council of the Canadian Diocese.


You are hereby informed that, between 10/23 March and 12/25 March (Wednesday-Friday) 2016, at the St. Nicholas Cathedral (422 St. Joseph Blvd. W., Montreal, Que. H2V 2P5, Tel: (514) 276-8322/ Fax: (514) 276-6001), the Yearly Clergy Conference and Annual Pastoral Lenten Retreat will be held under my presidency, in conjunction with the annual Lenten Retreat of the Clergy of the Diocese of Canada.

The annual meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Job of Pochaev will take place later.

Participation in both the Conference and the Clergy Retreat are obligatory for all clergymen of the Diocese. If, for some important reason, it prove impossible to travel to Montreal on the designated days, we ask that you inform us well in advance, in writing, at the address of the Diocesan Administration, detailing such reasons.

All the questions regarding arrival may be discussed with Diocesan Council Secretary Fr. Alexis Pjawka, tel. 613-316-98; e-mail:, or with the administrator of the Diocesan Chancellery and my personal secretary, subdeacon Yuri G. Miloslavsky at the above address, phone number, and e-mail address of the chancellery of the Diocesan Administration in Montreal.

We remind our clergy that they should bring with them vestments of a lenten color (black or, if black is unavailable, purple).

Below find a tentative agenda for our meeting in Ottawa

Wednesday, 10/23 March
4:00 PM Gathering of the participants at the St. Nicholas Cathedral
4:30 Coffee/Tea
5:00 Prayer & Convocation of the Conference
7:00 Supper
7:30 Great Compline

Thursday, 11/24 March
8:00 AM Morning Prayers
8:30 Breakfast/Coffee/Tea
9:00 Continuation of the Conference’s Deliberations
1:00 PM Luncheon & Break
3:00 Resumption of the Conference’s Work
5:00 Coffee/Tea
5:15 Resumption of the Conference’s Work
7:00 Supper
7:30 Matins & Confession

Friday, 12/25 March
8:00 AM Greeting of the Bishop; Hours; Hierarchal Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
12:00 Luncheon
1:00 PM Prayer & Departure

Participants will be informed in greater detail of the sequence of sessions.

Archbishop of Montréal & Canada
28/15 January 2016