
Parish Feastday at the Protection of the Mother of God Memorial Church in Ottawa

09:28 AM

This year the Protection of the Mother of God Parish in Ottawa celebrated its parish feast on the 9th and 10th of October. His Grace, Bishop Gabriel presided over the services, assisted by the rector of the parish, Fr. Stelian Liabotis, the second priest Fr. Alexis Pjawka, and the parish Protodeacon Fr. Vasily Milonow. In addition, the parish welcomed visiting clergy representing every diocese of the Russian Church Abroad in North America: Fr. Peter Perekrestov (San Francisco, CA), Fr. Paul Bassett (Cincinnati, OH), Fr. Protodeacon Victor Lochmatow (Jordanville, NY) and Fr. Deacon Mark Luimes (Niagara Falls, ON). The choir sang under the direction of the Reader Elias Dubelsten.

During the small entrance, Fr. Alexis was awarded the right to wear the nabedrennik (shield). A moleben and procession took place after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. In his congratulatory remarks, Vladyka Gabriel greeted the rector, clergy and parishioners with the feastday and also mentioned that this year Matushka Elena Liabotis retired as the choir conductor. On behalf of the congregation, Vladyka thanked Matushka for her many years of service to the parish.

After the service, everyone was invited to the parish hall for a festive lunch prepared by the sisterhood.

You are invited to view photos from the event, taken by Vladimir Damjanovic, parishioner of the Protection church in Ottawa.